I love Kathryn and Chakotay with all my heart. They are my favorite couple of any show ever. And i have a few pictures of them, so here they are. Cause I like to share.
This one was taken by Entertainment Television, during the first season, on the set.
Coda, the peace rose. Do I need to say more?
This is from the Cloud.
Chakotay "If you want I can help you contact your animal guide."
Kathryn "Its date!"
This is from the pilot for Caretaker. I think she looks better with short hair, any time.
Kathryn "It made me realize that I was using Mark as a safety net"
Chakotay "You don't have that safety net any more"
Kathryn "No..."
This one is from Basics, I'm not sure if its part 1 or 2. Chakotay couldn't make a fire. Can Kathryn help? Well no but her hair can.
From the second season epi Elogium. All the talk about mating and babies, kinda gets ya thinking doesn't it?
Season four Mortal Coil. Prixin a celebration of life, family, and love.
Season four, One.
Chakotay:"This is someone that has butted heads with you from day." Kathryn: "And this is the person I'm leaving putting the lives of the in. I suposs you want me to tell you that I'm not crasy?"
Starfleet ask for the status of teh Maqui.
Even in the face of adversity, she wants to keep their dinner as schedule.
Equinox Part 2.
Chakotay: "Kathryn what's happen to you?" Kathryn: "I was about to ask you the same thing."
Fifth season, Night. Kathryn finaly comes out of her quarters and goes right into commando Janeway mode.
First season, The Phage. The first invitation for a meal, taht we know of.